Monday, May 2, 2011


                                    Allegory Of The Cave I thought was a cool story.
        It metaphorically showed people who were blind to there own surroundings. In my opinion,
It referred to the outside world which is reality. There are a lot people still living in a cave today. My grandmother always told me" you know better, you do better!" That always stuck with me. How can one know better if they were never taught? There are parents who keep there children sheltered from life. Mainly because they don't want to hurt there feelings. Or it could be, that reality is so harsh that they don't want there child to be tainted by life in this crazy world.
 It was very interesting to see how these story indirectly compare illusion and reality. some people live in there own illusion, maybe just to help them sleep at night, even if it is lie. I know this sounds insane. The topic kind of reminds me of the Maury Show. How these women live in the illusion that these men are the their child's father, or how some of them know there man is cheating but just need a lie detector test. That to me is an illusion and pretty sad. I guess if you don't know any better, how can you do better. Hence, why people live in an illusion.

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